애드 캐릭터
애드 캐릭터

통일부 국립통일교육원

작성하신 검색어로 검색합니다.(새창 열림)


[영문주제강좌] North Korea's Planned Economy and Marketization

[영문주제강좌] North Korea's Planned Economy and Marketization

등록일2015-09-17 10:57:33.871

발행처국립통일교육원 연구개발과


공유하기 ▶

주제강좌 "북한의 계획경제와 시장화 현상"을 영문판으로 번역하였습니다.


CHAPTER 1: Convent iona l Planned Economy

     1. Framework of a Planned Economy 06
     2. Taean Work System & Unified and Detailed Planning 13
     3. System for Distribution of Food Rations and Other Necessities 17

CHAPTER 2: Planne d Economy after the Economic Crisis
     1. Contraction and Weakening of the Planned Economy 24
     2. Generalization of Direct Control by the Supreme Leader 29
     3. Collapse of the Ration Distribution System 35

CHAPTER 3: De velopment of North Korea ’s Market izat ion
     1. Conceptual Framework 40
     2. Economic Crisis of the 1990s and the Arduous March 45
     3. After the July 1 Economic Management Improvement Measures 54
     4. Since the Latter Half of the 2000s: Between Restriction and Tolerance of Markets 63

CHAPTER 4: De velopment , Stat us, an d Str uct ure of North Korea ’s Market izat ion

     1. Foreign Dependency of Marketization 74
     2. Rise of Monopolies and Oligopolies & Wealth Disparity due to Collusion Between Government and Businesses 81
     3. Prolonged Marketization and Its Establishment 86
     4. Evaluation of Marketization 90

CHAPTER 5: Character istics of North Korea ’s Dual Economic Str ucture
    1. Dual Economic Structure with Ambiguous Boundaries 96
    2. Coexistence of the Planned and Market Economies 107
    3. Supplementary and Conflicting Relations Between the Planned and Market Economies 110
    4. The North Korean Government’s Dilemma 114

CHAPTER 6: Future of North Korea ’s Dual Economic Str ucture
    1. Elements that Spread and Restrain Marketization in North Korea 120
    2. Future Prospects for Marketization in North Korea 123

공공누리의 제 4유형 안내
[영문주제강좌] North Korea's Planned Economy and Marketization 저작물은 "공공누리" 제4유형:출처 표시+상업적 이용 금지+변경 금지 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다.